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Why Bigger is NOT Better
STOP and read something other than the hype that you read on many internet sites and consider these facts:
- Technology always gets smaller in size as it evolves - not bigger. Can you think of a product that gets bigger as the electronics evolve (think cell phones, laptop computers, televisions, stereos, etc.)?

- AlkaViva ionizers have super efficient compact cells that outperform the larger cells with more plates. Watch video on US EPA certified lab test comparing different ionizer brands Here.
- The USA based Tennant Company selected AlkaViva cells for their superior performance and reliability after spending over $200,000 testing the cells of all major manufacturers. See their award winning echo2 cleaning machines Here.
- Higher wattage and more plates do not create better results than the more technologically advanced AlkaViva cells. Read this informative article for more details.
- Higher power creates more stress on the plates. More power means more heat, which means the platinum plating breaks down faster on the surface of the electrode. This equals poor performance over time and shorter cell life.
- More cells and larger plates lead to an increase in EMF radiation, heat, wattage use and cell burn.
AlkaViva ionizers operate so efficiently, they use 1/3 the power which is 1/3 the EMF.
- Experts do not recommend drinking water over pH 9.5 -such as Dr. Theodore Baroody (author Alkalize or Die), Dr. Robert O. Young (The pH Miracle), Sang Wang (Reverse Aging) and the Korean FDA plus Japanese Ministry of Health.
- Naturally occurring alkaline and ionized water is NOT generally over pH 9 nor does it have artificially high - ORP. We know - we went to Vilcabamba, Ecuador to meet with the people in the Valley of Longevity and tested their water. If interested, please ask for our FREE DVD on this trip Here
- 9.5 out of 10 alkaline water drinkers surveyed say they do not drink water that is over pH 9.5 - they do not enjoy the taste!
- Larger cells mean that you may get an oversized ionizer - always check dimensions before buying.
What should we focus on if not Bigger Cells or More Plates?
- How contaminant-free is your alkaline ionized water? The "bigger is better" conversation completely ignores filtration - crucial for healthy water. AlkaViva is the only company that offers USA made filters using 100% NSF certified parts that remove chloramines, and 99.9% of most contaminants. Read more
- Durability - ionizer performance over time. Water has minerals which will build up on the plates over time and reduce performance. AlkaViva The leaning systems in AlkaViva ionizers have a 1:1 cleaning ratio (others are 15:1 or worse!) and are the most advanced in the industry, virtually eliminating scale on the plates. Read more
- Where do the plates and cells come from? There are many poor quality ionizers with oversized, old-technology cells on the market that come from China and other parts of Asia so buyer beware. All AlkaViva electrodes are manufactured in Japan.
- Who is the manufacturer? Our manufacturer has been making ionizers for companies such as Hyundai, Samsung, LG and Toyo for over 30 years.
- Buy from the experts. AlkaViva/Ionlife is the oldest ionizer company in the USA. We are the only company with WQA certified water specialist on staff. We have watched many companies come and go - leaving their customers high and dry on replacement filters and warranty service. Read more.
- What are the policies of the USA distribution company? AlkaViva was the first company to offer 5 years warranty and now limited life time warranty on their ionizers. Also compare our satisfaction and return policies to other companies. We lead and others follow.
- What is the BBB ranking of other companies? Ionlife has the highest A+ ranking with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and continues to offer professional and caring advice, plus after sales service, that is second to none.
- What certification do the ionizers have? AlkaViva was the USA first importer to have its filters made in the USA using 100% NSF certified components and to be certified to UL standards for its ionizers (this ensures that our ionizers have been shown as safe to use under existing USA and Canadian conditions). There are also a number of other certifications including one for Emco Tech having an ISO 14001 Environmental Management Certificate. See Certificates Here.
Buying an ionizer is a serious investment. DO NOT be misled by marketing hyperbole that is slickly packaged by crafty web developers on attractive websites! Click the links above and educate yourself - bigger isn't better. We hope the information above will help make the best possible choice for you, your friends and family. And please be very cautious about comparison sites that claim (and look) to be making independent comparisons of different brands. Most are "shill" sites that pay top dollar for paid clicks in the search engines. They recommend their own particular brand or brands.
The statements enclosed herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your family doctor.