Why Ionized Water?
Possibly The Most Important Health Advance
of The 21st Century
by Blake Sawyer
There are two things to remember when it comes to water:
- It's the most important substance to all life on this planet
- Our bodies are made up of more than 70% water
Distilled, reverse osmosis, spring, bottled, tap and mineral are all water. But is all water the same or even similar? Is one better than another? Volumes have been written on the subject. But the facts are facts...
Ionized water is different than any of the aforementioned waters.
It has twelve different properties to it that no other water (save glacier milk) has.
Here are a few differences:
- Ionized water is hexagonally shaped (like a snowflake).
It is considered to be the healthiest water in the world to drink. [Fish, plankton or algae quickly die in de-ionized, distilled pentagonal water].
- Ionized water is structured water with hydrogen bonding. All bio-mechanical processes of the human body function at the cellular level. It is the hydrogen bonding of structured water that provides the greatest support for these vital processes.
- Ionized water is living water. All electrons in water either spin to the left or the right. High speed of the left spin of electrons is considered to substantiate that the water is vital and alive. Only ionized water has this quality.
- Ionized water is the only water that has a low surface tension. Surface tension is measured in dynes. This allows for greater absorption of water and nutrients into the body.
- Ionized water has a very alkaline pH. It can be from 100 to thousands times more alkaline than all the aforementioned waters. Alkaline water removes acidosis from the body, the environment in which all diseases dwell, as well as the cause of most diseases.
- Ionized water has super conductive properties. Only ionized water holds an electrical charge. This is what gives water it's vitality.
- Ionized water is in clusters of 4 to 6 H20 molecules. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance has shown that this is one third that of other waters, which has clusters of 10 to 15 molecules. This cluster reduction helps cells absorb ionized water quickly and efficiently.
- Ionized water is 'pure' or 'virgin' water. Everything water has been exposed to leaves an electromagnetic frequency signature or imprint. Negative frequencies (example: is your tap water recycled sewage like in most major cities?) are associated with diseases. Ionized water is virgin water because the EMF have been 'reset'.
- Ionized water has millions of hydroxyl ions per glass. No other water has this incredible benefit. Hydroxyl ions help 'neutralize' unhealthy cells that cause destructive free radicals in the body.
- Ionized water oxygenates the body via an increase in the Oxygen/ Hydrogen angle. All other water is void of this benefit.
- Ionized water has positive polarity. Almost all other waters are negative in their polarity. Only positive polarity water can efficiently help flush out toxins and poisons in the body at the cellular level.
- Ionized water is highly positive charged. This allows the cells to efficiently transmit photons to each other. This allows productive vital cell to cell communication.
- Ionized Water is thousands times more healthful to your body than any other water. And the proof "is in the pudding" so to speak. Everyone who drinks ionized water, either in it's natural state as glacier milk, or from a properly built and functioning water ionizer, lives in a state of health light years beyond those that don't.
- Did you know that 15% of the population of Japan that drink ionized water from water ionizers have a 10 plus year longer life expectancy than those in the United States? And they have been drinking the ionized water for an average of only 12 years! Just think if they would have started drinking ionized water from birth!
- One glass of ionized water can hydrate your body better than gallons of any other water.
- Ionized water alkalizes your body better than the only other method (eating a 100% organic and raw vegetarian diet).
- Ionized water removes damaging free-radicals from your body more efficiently than consuming bottles of vitamin C!.
- Ionized water oxygenates your body more effectively than any other 'oxygen' therapy.
- Ionized water can help flush many toxins and poisons out of your body better and with considerably less negative effects than other detox program/protocols.

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