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We are very pleased to announce that ...

Dr. Emoto decided to test water from an AlkaViva Orion Water Alkalizer and the result is below. The Ultra-Delphi also use the same water cell technology as the unit tested.
This is the first time alkaline, ionized water from a water ionizer has been tested by Mr. Emoto.
Dr. Emoto was featured in "What the Bleep do we Know". See Here

water crystal and Dr. Emoto

From the Hado Institute:

Water is one of the most indispensable substances for the life of human beings. Let's think about the water inside our body. Generally, it is said that about 90% or more of the embryonic body is water. Regarding an infant, about 80% of its body is water and an adult 70%. As we grow older, the percentage of water in our body decreases.

Here at Ionlife we totally agree. Why does a baby smell so sweet? Because he or she is made of sweet smelling, alkaline saline, naturally mineralized water.

AlkaViva and Dr. Emoto AlkaViva and Dr. Emotojupiter and Dr. Emoto

Distilled Water Crystal from Polluted Dam, Japan compared to crystalline structure.

That distilled water is not like rain water has been shown by Dr. Emoto using Magnetic Resonance Analysis (see images above). While rain water contains oxygen and minerals and crystallizes into snow flakes, distilled water has no crystalline structure and is very acidic once exposed to air.

"It is not enough to take in a necessary quantity of water inside the body, but we should take the quality of water into consideration. For instance, the district where a lot of long life people live is blessed with high quality from natural resources. In other words, it is becoming common sense that there are a lot of correlations between the health and the quality of water which we drink every day.

Today, even if the water that we drink or use does not contain any detrimental ingredient, the quality of water is not always satisfactory. It is becoming clear that the formation of water crystals reflects the quality of the water. I would be pleased if you would deepen your understanding and interest toward water when you see the photographs that are reported here."

Masaru Emoto

President of I.H.M. General Institute,

"We have observed various kinds of water crystals in our laboratory and have found that water containing minerals and in a healthy balance tends to turn out well-ordered hexagonal crystals. Energetically speaking, we believe that water needs to have good Hado to create a beautiful crystal."

Client: Ionlife

I.H.M authorization number: ihm0705090676

IDate of Photography: 12 April 2007

IPhotography Conditions: -25 degrees

IFreeze Time: 4 hrs

1Observation Temperature: -3 degrees

Apparatus: Olympus Optical Microscope

Mr. Emoto has added watermarks to the crystal pictures created and authorized by his laboratory at I.H.M. If you are in doubt about whether a water crystal picture is authentic, ask the vendor of a water system that displays advertising or a website with water crystal photographs for their watermark and letter of authorization from Mr. Emoto. Unfortunately there are many imitators, often very actively displaying unauthorized crystal photos. Also, ask if the model you are interested in has been tested by Mr. Emoto, and what is the authorization number. The I.H.M authorization number for these images is ihm0705090676.


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