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Acid Water in Hospitals

Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers Treated with Hyperoxidized Water

TV Interview with Dr. Koei, Tokyo Women`s Medical University

Announcer A: "It is time for our Special Report. Have you ever heard of a kind of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori? It was long an established theory that the cause of stomach and duodenal ulcers, both of which tend to be seen in Japanese people, were caused by stress and excessive gastrointestinal acid. However, this pylori bacteria has been recently identified as the cause."

Announcer B: "In Japan we are very familiar with the name pylori. What unpleasant things are they doing inside the stomach?"

Reporter: "Have you ever seen this bacteria through an electron microscope? They have several tail-like flagelli and are called Helicobacter pylori. Surprisingly, these bacteria have been found to cause both stomach and duodenal ulcers."

on screen] Dr. Koei, Tokyo Women`s Medical University

Dr. Koei: "Stomach and duodenal ulcers have been thought to be caused by stress or strong acidic conditions in the stomach. Also, drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol that stimulate the secretion of acid have been implicated. However, about ten years ago an organism called Helicobacter pylori was discovered inside the stomach by an Australian scientist. Research done by scientists in the United States and Europe subsequently confirmed that these bacteria are the cause of stomach ulcers."

Reporter: "The Japanese Gastrointestinal Society has begun to study these bacteria. Their results indicate that the bacteria were found in 80% of stomach ulcers and 85 - 90% of duodenal ulcers. But how were these Helicobacter able to live in the strong acidic fluids of the stomach that range from pH 1 to 3?"

Dr. Koei: "One feature of Helicobacter is that it has an enzyme called urease. Urease dissolves uric acid in the lining of the stomach and creates ammonia."

Reporter: "This ammonia neutralizes the strong acid in our digestive organs and changes the environment, enabling the bacteria to live. The cellular toxins from pylori and ammonia that these bacteria create damage membranes in the body.

These agents together with free radicals created by factors in the immune system create ulcers. You would think antibiotics would kill the bacteria, but it is not that simple."

Dr. Koei: "If you overuse antibiotics, the danger is that antibiotic resistant strains of Helicobacter pylori might emerge."

Reporter: "Doctors say that they don`t want to repeat what happened with MRSA."

Dr. Koei: "We have to find out how we can kill Helicobacter without creating resistant bacteria."

Reporter: "In the midst of trial and error experiments to find out how to eradicate Helicobacter, one amazing treatment for ulcers emerged and was publicly presented at the Functional Water Symposium held last year. It was reported that stomach and duodenal ulcers were significantly reduced when they were washed with highly disinfectant, hyperoxidized water."

Dr. Hamahata, Hamahata Clinic: "A first stage ulcer was identified through an endoscope. This is a photo taken seven days after water treatment. The size of the ulcer has been reduced."

Reporter: "We are visiting Hamahata Clinic, located two hours from Kagoshima Airport."

Dr. Hamahata: "Now we are in your esophagus, O.K? Now I`m looking at your duodenum."

Reporter: "Looking at a model of the process for curing ulcers by drugs, you can see improvement about every two weeks and, at the S1 stage, it has entered the range of cure."

Doctor: "I`m looking at the ulcer right now. It`s a lot better."

Reporter: "His ulcer was this bad a month ago, but now the ulcer is small."

Dr. Hamahata: "Why is hyperoxidized water good for treating ulcers? One reason is that ulcers are thought to be caused by bacteria called Helicobacter pylori.

Reporter: "The doctor is using hyperoxidized water with a pH of 2.5 and a redox potential of 1100 millivolts. This water is inserted by tube to rinse the ulcer and affected areas several times. After every washing, the water is sucked out. Finally, the ulcer is rinsed with weak alkaline water created by electrolysis. Are the Helicobacter killed?"

Reporter: "When you look at the bacteria treated with the hyperoxidized water through an electron microscope, it is clear that they are dead."

Dr. Hamahata: " In addition to conventional ulcer treatment, we used hyperoxidized water to wash the ulcer. My impression is that this patient would be cured faster than one that has only undergone conventional treatment."

Dr. Hamahata: "This is a case involving an 81 year old woman. She visited us complaining of stomachache. A large ulcer was found in this area in the duodenum, and the bleeding has just stopped. We treated the ulcer with hyperoxidized water. A week later, the large ulcer became this small."

This is a case in which a 69 year old man who suffered from a liver ailment was hospitalized. He also had a large duodenal ulcer which was spreading deeper into the organ. This is a week after treatment with hyperoxidized water. You can see that the ulcer has been closed. This dramatic cure occurred in just one week."

Reporter: "This presentation of hyperoxidized water treatment made a strong impression on those attending the Functional Water Symposium."

Reporter: "In this hospital, electrolyzed alkaline water is also used. How many glasses of water do you drink each day?"

Patient (old lady): "I drink many glasses. My stomach is doing better. I could hardly eat at all before I came here. Even rice porridge didn`t taste good. But now I have my appetite back. Thanks to the doctors, I feel better now."

Reporter: "Compared to conventional drug treatment, the hyperoxidized water treatment for ulcers has a short history, and this is the only hospital where the water treatment for ulcers is performed. Patients say that they are happy with it and that they seem to be cured faster."

Announcer A: "You would think that it would be good to just drink this hyperoxidized water, wouldn`t you? But they say that you cannot eliminate pylori bacteria in the stomach that way."

11. Hyperoxidized Water Effective as a Disinfectant

Announcer: "Time for the Special Report hour. The endoscope is an indispensable piece of medical equipment for internal examination of the stomach and duodenum. Since these invisible bacteria attach to the internal parts of human bodies, great care has to be taken to clean and disinfect the endoscopes. Conventionally, disinfectant chemicals are used to sterilize the endoscopes, but recent attention has focused on water - hyperoxidized water created by electrolysis. We have been following stories that reveal how effective this water is as a disinfectant."

Dr. Hamahata, Hamahata Clinic: "I`m looking at the ulcer, it looks much better than before."

Reporter: "Endoscopes are indispensable for discovering the infected area in the digestive system as well as for examining the ailment."

Reporter: "There has always been a risk that any bacteria that live inside the patient`s body, including Helicobacter pylori, which has recently been in the news for causing stomach and duodenal ulcers, can attach themselves to the endoscope during use. Therefore, extreme care must be taken in disinfecting the equipment after each use."

Dr. Sakurai: "Generally, endoscopes are disinfected in this yellow green liquid, a 2% solution of glutaraldehyde. It is the most powerful disinfectant, killing a wide range of bacteria and viruses including Helicobacter pylori, hepatitis B virus and AIDS virus."

Dr. Sakurai, Endoscope Center at Kanto Teishin Hospital: "Glutaraldehyde is recommended by the Endoscope Society for disinfecting endoscopes. They have to be soaked in this solution more than twenty minutes at a time."

Reporter: "There are two problems with this chemical. The fist is that, in a larger hospital where many patients are examined daily, it is too time consuming. Secondly, it is highly toxic and classified as a strong poison."

Dr. Sakurai: "Residue of this chemical on endoscopes is cause for some worry. It is also expensive. Another worry is that the use of this chemical can cause skin inflammation or allergic reactions in our staff."

Reporter: "At the center of attention is water created by adding a small amount of salt to tap water and applying an electric current. It has the same disinfectant power as glutaraldehyde, except that it is faster and non-toxic. Increasingly, hospitals are using this water to disinfect endoscopes."
[on screen] Endoscope soaked in hyperoxidized water

Nurse: "After we use the endoscope, air is forced out in a container of hyperoxidized water, pushing out materials attached inside the tube, then hyperoxidized water is drawn back through."

Reporter: "Having developed a good understanding of the properties of both alkaline and hyperoxidized water, Doctor of Hamahata Clinic in Kagoshima Prefecture utilizes them well, taking advantage of the benefits of each."

Dr. Hamahata: "hyperoxidized water is put through the tip and the extractor of the endoscope."

Reporter: "Bacteria are often seen on this tip and extractor area."

Dr. Hamahata: "Then we wash it with high alkaline water that dissolves protein, blood and stomach fluids. Then we soak it in hyperoxidized water. There is ample data to support the fact that hyperoxidized water kills almost any kind of bacteria or virus. It has immediate disinfectant capabilities."

Reporter: "Finally, they wash the unit with tap water. The entire cleaning time takes only about five minutes. The disinfectant property of this water was reported at the Functional Water Symposium held last year."

Doctor: "We took a bacteria culture from the tip of the endoscope and the extractor. No bacteria were seen."
[on screen] Patient being examined with endoscope

Dr. Sakurai: "You feel something large is coming inside of you. Now it is bumping into you a bit."

Reporter: "At Kanto Teishin Hospital, eight minutes walk from Gotanda Station, Tokyo, they started using this hyperoxidized water for cleaning endoscopes three years ago."

Dr. Sakurai: "We examine as many as 40 patients a day, so the more time we use to clean endoscopes, the less efficient we are. We conducted research with other doctors to find the most time-efficient and safe way to clean them."

Reporter: "When word got out about this disinfectant water, the first person in medical field to put together a research team to test it was Dr. Okada, Director of Clinical Examinations."

Dr. Okada: "The director of the Endoscope Department suggested that we look into using this water to clean endoscopes. We experimented with 10 mi., 30 mi. and 50 mi. of hyperoxidized water to be drawn through the endoscopes. We found that with 50 ml, of this water, the bacterial disinfectant rate is the highest. It is wonderful to be able to use this water to disinfect completely."

Reporter: "They showed me the current disinfecting process. After its use, the endoscope is covered with filth and bacteria. First, it is washed with tap water and the extractor is removed from the endoscope and soaked in strong hyperoxidized water."

Dr. Sakurai: "The extractor is set aside to soak. It is also important to clean inside the extractor channel with a brush. Blood, stomach fluids, and so forth are scraped off from inside it in this way as far as possible."

Reporter: "The whole thing is soaked in hyperoxidized water for ten seconds, then this water is injected into the channel and 50 cc of this hyperoxidized water is drawn back through."

Dr. Sakurai: "Hyperoxidized water is being drawn into the extractor channel for disinfecting. A culture shows zero bacteria are present."

Dr. Okada: "We also took a bacterial culture to search for the presence Helicobacter pylori and the result was that this bacteria was completely eradicated by this water. As for the side effects of hyperoxidized water, we think that it is completely harmless."

Reporter: "Dr. Sakurai and his staff at the Endoscope Center wrote a report for a medical journal that declared that using hyperoxidized water for cleaning endoscopes is an easy-to-handle, effective, and fast method for disinfecting. They also noted that the wear and tear on the equipment is less than with conventional sterilization and that it is the most appropriate method for clinical examinations that are conducted on a daily basis."

Reporter: "During these times when the number of powerful enemies such as Helicobacter pylori, hepatitis B and AIDS virus has increased, it was necessary to find the perfect way to disinfect endoscope"

Announcer A: "From the point of view of the patient, we would like a safe and sure method to be available, especially since bacteria and viruses are invisible to the naked eye."


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